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Unreal Engine Path Tracing Glass Shader

A wide selection of Clean and Simple options / settings built right into each Material Instance.
Labeled and Organized into categories for easy modification.
Global Settings
Imperfection Settings
Normal Map Settings
Metallic Settings
Specular Settings
Emissive Settings
Opacity Settings
Ambient Occlusion Settings
Bubble Color Settings
Well Organized Folder system. Folders for Materials Instance, Master Material, Normal Maps, Imperfections and Textures.
Pre-Made Material instances for simple drag and drop utilization. Easily duplicate and customize any of the 20 ready to use Material Instances.

All good things come from a single solid foundation. The Path Tracing Glass Shader is created using a single Master Material.
The Master Material is clean and easy to navigate. Comment Labels added to every element and easy to follow points / lines.
Created using Translucent Blend Mode and Surface Forward Shading Lighting Mode for accurate Path Tracing results.
Glass Shader Pack comes with 4K High Quality Texture Maps for both the Imperfection/Roughness maps and the Normals Maps.


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